Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Thank You Gift

I know many of you were just happy to refer your friends or families to my classes, simply because you wanted them to have the same wonderful experience you've had!

But starting today, I'd also like to express my appreciation to you with an Amazon gift card for as much as $85, for each person that you refer to register!

Here's the chart of how much you can receive for each class they enroll:

at a city recreation$10
at the studio in Arcadia or So. Pas.$30

at a city recreation$10
at the studio in San Marino for shared lessons$75
at the studio in SM for private lessons$85

You can share with them my website and/ or Facebook page if they'd like to find out more about the classes, and please be sure to either tell me the name of the registered student, his/ her guardian's name, or ask them to tell me your name, so I can send you the gift!

Thank you SO much in advance^_^

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