Saturday, July 23, 2022

Your Kindermusik digital access is getting an upgrade!

Dear Families,

Nothing replaces the brain-boosting magic of a live music and movement class. So, in order to keep your child’s powerful in-class learning experiences going and growing, we’ve made some exciting changes to the delivery of digital family resources.

Beginning August 1, 2022, your enrollment will include complete digital access to level-specific music and books via and the free Kindermusik app. 

You and your child can:

  • Stream all class music (beyond what you’re listening to each week) at home, in the car, or wherever you are while you are enrolled.
  • Access clickable/swipeable e-books for storytime to reinforce themes and takeaways. 
  • Revisit your level’s 15-track “Best of” album whenever you like, even after class ends.
  • Select 3 of your favorite songs beyond the “Best of” album to keep.

If you are currently enrolled or have previously enrolled in a class, you may download all available digital resources from until July 31st

We hope these new class resource options empower your parenting, family time, and most importantly, your child’s path to becoming a lifelong learner. 

Musically yours, 

The Kindermusik Team