Friday, June 5, 2020

"A Message from Kindermusik: We will not be silent."


To Our Kindermusik Community,
The birth of a child comes with such great promise, excitement, and joy. However, we know that the promise for every child is not equal. Inexcusable hardships begin at birth for some children, and for many, simply because of the color of their skin.
The events of the past week have unnerved and outraged our communities globally. And though the murder of George Floyd brought issues of Black social injustice and blatant racism to light, they have been an ongoing theme that can no longer be ignored. While inclusivity is at the center of what we do at Kindermusik—whether in a studio or through a school system, library, or outreach programs such as Head Start—it is not enough. Kindermusik will not be silent. We can do better and we will.
Like many companies, Kindermusik is reflecting internally on what we can do to show our solidarity and how we can make lasting change within our organization and communities. We pledge to do the following as a company: 
  • Continue expanding our efforts to create content that incorporates a global perspective, promoting lasting bonds within families and communities, and acceptance of people from all faiths, ethnicities, cultures, and across all age groups and economic situations.
  • Actively seek rich and honest guidance from fellow early education leaders and parents everywhere.
  • Weave diversity conversation ideas into our classrooms, curriculum, and general conversations to help parents and caregivers address these important principles early and often. 
  • Listen to what YOU have to say. If you have feedback on how we could improve our Kindermusik experiences, please email us at
  • Implement a diversity task force to determine where–internally or externally–we can improve our practices.
As an early childhood company, we are especially focused on the healthy development of each and every child in an environment where they feel seen, heard, and treasured. For the best future of all children, we raise our voices to stand now and forever against racism. We will work hard to continue to promote positive connections and to sing loud and clear that Black Lives Matter. 
The Kindermusik Team

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