Saturday, June 5, 2010

The benefits to children of learning music


Time and time again, we hear about studies that show the evidence of how much better children who have the advantage of music lessons do in school. There are many factors that come into play and that make children who have the advantage of a musical education excel academically, but it is more than the academic advantage. The effects of this musical education extend into the rest of their lives, and this results in even grater advantages later in life.

We may not be to put our finger on the exact advantage that children and young people who take music lessons have over others, but we certainly can examine some of the benefits. For the purposes of this article, we are looking at the benefits to children who study a musical instrument.

*Learning to be responsible -

Music lessons require that a child learn to be responsible because they must practice everyday. There may be an expectation that children learn to be responsible in other areas of their lives, but those other areas may be things that benefit the entire family and aren't something for which the child must be responsible because of and for themselves. Continue reading...

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