Thursday, March 30, 2017

Explore activities from our upcoming unit!

(Note that same with the previous emails regarding activities from our class units, links would only work if you open on a computer.  Mobile site versions are not available yet.)

Up in the Sky
Dates*: 4/1- 5/6, no 4/29; 5 weeks

Time: Sat. 9- 9:45am

Place: Pasadena Victory Park Recreation
Room 3
2575 Paloma St.
Pasadena, CA 91107

Cost: $70** to the Recreation+ $25 home materials to me

sibling: $70** to the Recreation+ $6 home instrument to me

Learn more or register! (Spaces limited)

Click here for other class info.

* Contact me about what you can do if you won't be able to come to one or some of those Saturdays!

**Pasadena Recreation charges a $15  non-resident fee, but I'd be happy to give $5 off of the home materials for families who'd have to pay that. 
Cost for non-residents: $85 to Recreation+ $17 to me
Sibling (non-resident): $85 to Recreation+ $4 to me

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ready for a flight of fancy? It's time to explore all of the floating, flying, fluttering things we can find Up in the Sky. We'll use our imaginations to fly kites, stretch like clouds, and dance like stars. We'll hop and fly with a flock of robins, soar with a wise old owl, and see the silver moon boat sail across the sky. Fire up your imagination, because we mean it when we say...the sky's the limit!
Up in the Sky
Dates*: 4/1- 5/6, no 4/29; 5 weeks

Time: Sat. 9- 9:45am

Place: Pasadena Victory Park Recreation
Room 3
2575 Paloma St.
Pasadena, CA 91107

Cost: $70** to the Recreation+ $25 home materials to me

sibling: $70** to the Recreation+ $6 home instrument to me

Learn more or register! (Spaces limited)

Click here for other class info.

* Contact me about what you can do if you won't be able to come to one or some of those Saturdays!

**Pasadena Recreation charges a $15 non-resident fee, but I'd be happy to give $5 off of the home materials for families who'd have to pay that.
Cost for non-residents: $85 to Recreation+ $17 to me
Sibling (non-resident): $85 to Recreation+ $4 to me

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Go, Go, Go! Ready? Set? Go, Go, Go! You can chug-a-lug, beep-beep, and swish your oars while you explore vehicle sounds and the stop-and-go, this-way and that-a-way movements of trains, cars, and boats. Buckle up, here we go!

Go_ Go_ Go_

Datesstarts 3/29 and ongoing

TimeWed. 10- 10:45am

PlaceFortanasce & Associates Fitness & Wellness Center
671 W. Naomi Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91007

Cost every 4 weeks: $76, includes home materials
Sibling: $66, includes sibling instrument

Register! (Spaces limited!)

Click here for other class info.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Want to make sure your little one has a smooth transition to the Daylight Saving Time change on Sunday?

Start adjusting his/ her bedtime and morning waking-up time by 10 or 15 increments starting tonight, so that by Sunday, they will feel little or no difference to the time difference!^o^

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Many Spring class dates are out!  Click here for details.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Experience opposite concepts with your voices, bodies, and movements, as well as instruments and props, in Way Up High! You'll swoop and flutter fast and slow, high and low, as you explore spatial development and positional vocabulary, multi-sensory learning, and more
Way Up High

Dates*: starting 3/31

TimeFri. 10- 10:45am

Place1315 Fair Oaks Ave. #205
South Pasadena, CA 91030

Cost every 4 weeks: $76, includes home materials
Sibling: $66, includes sibling instrument

Register! (Spaces limited!)

Click here for other class info.

* Contact me about what you can do if you won't be able to come to one or more of those days!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

RSVPvia text (626-374-1800) or email ( by Sat. 3/4 to preview one of the classes below for free! 

* New-to-Kindermusik families only.  (Spaces limited!)

Time: 3/6 Mon. 10-10:45am
Place: 435 Fair Oaks Ave.
South Pasadena, CA 91030

Time: 3/8 Wed. 10- 10:45am
Place671 W. Naomi Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91007


Time: 3/9 Thu. 10- 10:45am
Place: 250 S. Mission Dr. 
San Gabriel, CA 91776


Time: 3/11 Sat. 9-9:45am
Place: 2575 Paloma St.
Pasadena, CA 91107

Click here for other class info.